Data-driven Market Intelligence For Manufacturers, NGOs & Government

We help pharmaceutical companies and distributors, NGOs and government institutions make well-informed decisions by providing data-driven insights into the local pharmaceutical markets.


Data Don’t Lie

Unlock market opportunities and make smarter decisions with pharma supply chain and market insights that are tailored to your specific needs.

  • Uncover new market opportunities for your products
  • Understand the competition landscape for market positioning and pricing decisions
  • Uncover trends and factors impacting sales
  • Understand the market perception of your products
  • Forecast demand

Fully Customizable Data Dashboard

Our dashboard tool tracks, analyzes and presents point of sales data from across the country, at a glance. You can view, slice and dice the data whichever way you deem fit.

  • Easy-to-use and customizable dashboard
  • API Integration (with your existing data system)
  • Data analysis & reports creation
  • Your data is safe
Customizable data

Let Data Guide You

Don't fly blind into the local pharmaceutical market, fly with Remedial Market Intelligence.